It has been quite a while since the talk has been on in Bollywood as to who among the leading ladies can be deemed as the 'Dream Girl' of Bollywood. Apparently, after the southern beauty Hema Malini there has not been a single person who could nab that title but recently, Hema ji herself came up with the statement that according to her, the green eyed beauty Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is the deserving candidate.
Since then, many media channels have been trying to ascertain whether the audience and film buffs feel the same or not. However, it is being said that all surveys are pointing in one direction, to that of the hot Malayalam beauty Asin. Just one film old in Bollywood and that too a blockbuster hit, Asin has been a hot property in the south before she packed her bags to Mumbai. But much to the surprise of many, Asin has beaten the likes of the angel of beauty Katrina Kaif and the queen Aishwarya herself.
Those who voted for Asin say that she has that innocence in her face and at the same time, she can carry herself elegantly along with a tempting sex appeal. There are also those who say that Asin is young and she has a long way to go in her career and given her dream start with 'Ghajini' she sure has it in her to rule the throne of Bollywood. Surprisingly, the likes of Kareena, Katrina, Ash have not been favored by many and it is heard that they find the girls from south to carry a natural beauty in them instead of glamour and made up beauty. Asin will soon be arriving with her next venture 'London Dreams' and this time, she has paired up with Salman Khan and Ajay Devgan.
The expectations are very high and if she scores another hit then the 'Dreamgirl' will be setting a new chapter in the history of Bollywood.
Tags:Asin thotumkkal,Dream girl,hema malini,aishwarya rai,bollywood actress,ghajini
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