When Asin made her debut in M.Kumaran’s Son of Mahalakshmi with Jayam Ravi, nobody expected that this actress from Kochi was going to make such an impressive career in Kollywood. In film after film, the young actress proved her skills, and reserved a permanent place for herself among the top- ranking heroines within a short span of time. She has done a variety of characters with almost all the leading heroes of Tamil, except the super star Rajini Kanth. May be this will come true when she does her next film with the Sathya Movies. But with a number of offers pouring in from Bollywood, this talented actress might not get a chance to act with Rajini Kanth.
Gajini Asin moves to Bollywood with Amir Khan!
Yes…after having signed up for the hindi remake of Gajini with Amir Khan, 4 more Bollywood offers have come her way, and she has accepted all with pleasure. Rakesh Mehra, director of Rang De Basanthi, has also got Asin for his next project on an experimental basis. Talks are going on for her to act in 3 other Hindi movies. Sources say that her PRO in Mumbai has already booked a bungalow for her in the Juhu area on a lease basis. No one will be surprised, if Asin is able to purchase the same in the near future! All these offers have confirmed one thing. Asin will probably get a place among the likes of Hemamalini, Sridevi and Jayaprada; all these actresses hail from the south, and they rocked the Hindi film industry at once.
Gajini Asin moves to Bollywood with Amir Khan!
Asin told about her plans in Bollywood, ‘At present I’m busy with my Tamil project with Kamal sir in Dasavatharam, in which I’m acting in dual role for the first time in my career. I didn’t accept any more Tamil movies for the present due to my Hindi project with Amir Khan and Murugadoss. I’m doing the same role as I played in the Tamil Gajini. For me, Gajini is a very special movie. It helped me reach new heights in Telugu cinema and now in Bollywood. Yes…at present I have got half a dozen offers from leading hindi film makers. But I’ m careful in accepting those offers. After the hindi version of Gajini, I will act in a Rakesh Mehra movie. I have accepted 2 more projects in Bollywood. At the same time I’ll continue my career in Tamil also. ..’
And Asin told the objections of Jyothika on her pairing up with the actor Surya, Asin simply said ‘ on my side, I’ve nothing to lose.’ Yes. The real loss will be for the viewers of south Indian cinema only!
Source: oneindia
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Mallika Sherawat had a lip surgery
[image: Mallika Sherawat had a lip surgery]
[image: Mallika Sherawat had a lip surgery][image: Mallika Sherawat had...
13 years ago
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